
Fun and Effective Ways to Teach Respect to Your Children

Have you noticed a lack of respect in the world lately? In all walks of life and professions, it seems like there is quite a bit of room for improvement when it comes to respecting others.

Where does respect start, and why is there a problem with lack of respect today? Respect begins at home with parents and extends into the classroom between teachers and children. 

One could surmise that some parents of today didn't learn respect from their parents or their teachers, and this is something we’d like to change. Teaching respect is an important part of your job as a parent. How?

Keep reading for some effective ways of teaching respect to your children. 

Model Respect

Children model your behavior. As a parent, if you don't show respect to others, your children won't either. If you don't respect your kids, they won't respect you. 

Treat everyone - from the waitress to your best friend - with kindness. Be polite and calm in all situations. 

Sometimes, the people we love the most are the ones we treat the worst. This leads to bad relationships. Respect is the foundation of a good relationship. 

Treat your spouse and family members, including the children, with respect. Be polite and courteous, and keep your temper in check. 

Respecting Preferences

The world would be a boring place if everyone had the same preferences. Respect others' preferences. 

Your child isn't doing something wrong because she doesn't like broccoli. Yes, children need their vegetables, but don't yell and threaten if the child doesn't like a certain food.

Expect her to taste the things she doesn't like, but don't force her to eat more than that. Stay calm. Yelling and nagging aren't necessary.  

Does your child want to wear that ugly old t-shirt you hate? Let her. Respecting your child's choices helps your child respect others' choices. 

We're teaching children through our everyday behaviors, and it's effective. 


Empathy is understanding and sharing the thoughts and feelings of others. A person with empathy is better able to communicate respect. Empathy opens the door to compassion, kindness, and respect. 

Model empathy for your children. 

Discipline Versus Punishment

Discipline is training or teaching, not punishment. Taking a punitive approach doesn't show or teach respect. 

Everyone makes mistakes. When you make a mistake at work, if the boss talks down to you or embarrasses you in front of others, you're not likely to respect your boss.

Instead of anger and punishment, use a positive approach with your children. This shows your respect for them, and in turn, they'll respect you more.  

Set boundaries for your kids and stick to them. When your child crosses the line, don't humiliate or degrade her. Offer a brief explanation about why the behavior isn't acceptable. 

Stick to a fair consequence for bad behavior. 

Teaching Respect

Teaching respect isn't hard. 

Be kind, compassionate, and empathetic toward others. Your children model your behavior. If you're respectful, you'll raise respectful children. 

In a crass and disrespectful world, your kids will go far with an attitude of respect for others. 

Are you looking for a respectful school environment for your children? Please contact us here.

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